Breasts cysts – Suggested complimentary remedies



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Each of your breasts contains lobes of glandular tissue.

The lobes are divided into smaller lobules that produce milk during pregnancy and breast-feeding.

The supporting tissue that gives the breast its shape is made up of fatty tissue and fibrous connective tissue.

Breast cysts are fluid-filled sacs, which are usually not cancerous (benign).

A breast cyst usually feels like a grape or a water-filled balloon, but sometimes a breast cyst feels firm.

Sometimes, you can feel them, especially if they become painful a few days before your menstrual cycle.

Breast cysts can also be microcysts or macrocystis.

  • Most breast tissue contains microcysts, which are very tiny or small (like grain of rice or pea) to feel and may be seen by ultrasound or even just under a microscope.
  • Macrocystis are larger (as a golf ball) and can often be felt – grow up to several inches — large enough and can put pressure on nearby breast tissue, causing breast pain or discomfort.

They’re often described as round or oval lumps with distinct edges.

You can have one or more and they can happen in one or both breasts.

Most breast cysts don’t usually require treatment unless a cyst is large and painful or uncomfortable.

Breast cysts don’t increase your risk of developing breast cancer or anything more serious.

You’re more likely to get breast cysts if you’re:

  • Between 35 and 50 years old.
  • Breast cysts are common in women before menopause, but they can also occur in postmenopausal women if they are taking hormone therapy.
  • They don’t usually develop after menopause when oestrogen levels taper off.
  • But they can be found in women of any age.

There are three types of breast cysts:

Simple breast cyst: Filled entirely with fluid (not solid) and are always noncancerous and make up about 90% of all breast cysts.

Complex breast cyst: which has a mix of fluid and solid components.

Complicated breast cyst: It is fluid-filled, but may have some cloudiness to the fluid, or the borders may be somewhat irregular.

Possible Causes of breasts cysts:

The exact cause of breast cysts is still unknown.

  • It’s thought to be a part of the normal life cycle of a breast.
  • Breast cysts develop as a result of fluid accumulation inside the glands in the breasts.
  • They may develop because of hormonal changes from monthly menstruation.
  • Excess oestrogen in your body, can stimulate the breast tissue, may also contribute to breast cysts.

 What maybe the complications of this condition?

They can become infected, or can become large, tense and painful and require aspiration.

Signs and symptoms of a breast cyst include:

Some cysts are so small you can’t feel them. If you have a larger breast cyst, you may feel a lump that’s:

  • Soft or firm, although most are soft.
  • Round, oval and smooth with distinct edges.
  • Painful or tender, especially before your menstrual cycle.
  • Easily movable under your skin (especially large cysts).
  • Nipple discharge that may be clear, yellow, straw coloured or dark brown with localised pain.
  • Tenderness in the area of the breast lump.
  • Increase in breast lump size and breast tenderness just before your period
  • Decrease in breast lump size and resolution of other symptoms after your period



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Are you concerned about your health or have been suffering from a chronic, recurrent health disorder? 

A ready-made kit that comes with instructions as how to take or use the remedies etc., containing 2 homeopathic remedies and one herbal supplement. Suitable for individuals over 18 years of age.

Give it a try, if you truly believe in Natural holistic remedies! 

Ideally, complimentary remedies should go hand-in-hand with conventional treatment for optimal recovery, and you may take them along with your regular medicines, if any, for additional benefits!

All our remedies are prepared according to Hahnemann principles, using traditional method of dilution or succussion, by a fully qualified naturopath practitioner after a lot of research, proving and great success results from a number of our in-house patients having similar conditions – Still the results may vary from person to person!

You may need to continue taking these remedies from few weeks to few months or until the desired results – depending upon the severity and chronicity of your condition.

You may also contact us and speak to one of our naturopaths and to discuss any dietary requirements or allergies you may have, or ingredients used in preparation of the above kit.

If you are looking for a particular remedy or a kit not listed on this site, you may contact us, as we stock a wide range of complimentary remedies that you may need.

We also make tailor-made homeopathic remedies, as per your causative factors, physical & mental peculiar signs & symptoms etc., if you need any further information please feel free to message.

DISCLAIMER: Although, most natural remedies including herbal supplements, homeopathic remedies or aromatherapy formulations for external use etc., are generally very safe even in children and old age, we still recommend you to seek medical advice from your GP / personal health provider before making your purchase etc., if unsure.

Some patients may experience a little aggravation or worsening of their symptoms, specially in skin disorders – which is absolutely normal and a good sign, as most natural remedies tend to bring the disease in its expressive state – rather suppressing it deeper under the skin etc.

This complimentary remedies kit is taken with your own responsibility. Please avoid self-medication specially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have been suffering from any chronic or terminal medical conditions etc.

Due to strict UK regulations on the sale of medicinal products, we cannot give specific advice, without a face-to-face consultation.

Additional information
Peculiar Symptoms 1

Warm to touch, Grow slowly and got bigger over time, Hurt when touched, Tender or sore before your period, Changed shape & size over time., Dimpling, puckering, Redness, or a bruise-like purple area, Pain in the breast, Pain around armpit, Inverted Nipples or pulled inside, Clear nipples discharge, Bloody nipples discharge, Green/Yellow nipples discharge, Dark brown / chocolate color discharge, Changes in the direction of nipples, Orange like skin texture, Swelling part of the breast, Moveable lump, Static or unmovable lump, Hard or marble like texture, Soft rubbery feel, Breasts suddenly increased in size, Breasts suddenly decreased in size, Tightness in the breast tissue, Fullness or heaviness in the breasts

Peculiar symptoms 2

Warm to touch, Grow slowly and got bigger over time, Hurt when touched, Tender or sore before your period, Changed shape & size over time., Dimpling, puckering, Redness, or a bruise-like purple area, Pain in the breast, Pain around armpit, Inverted Nipples or pulled inside, Clear nipples discharge, Bloody nipples discharge, Green/Yellow nipples discharge, Dark brown / chocolate color discharge, Changes in the direction of nipples, Orange like skin texture, Swelling part of the breast, Moveable lump, Static or unmovable lump, Hard or marble like texture, Soft rubbery feel, Breasts suddenly increased in size, Breasts suddenly decreased in size, Tightness in the breast tissue, Fullness or heaviness in the breasts

Peculiar symptoms 3

Warm to touch, Grow slowly and got bigger over time, Hurt when touched, Tender or sore before your period, Changed shape & size over time., Dimpling, puckering, Redness, or a bruise-like purple area, Pain in the breast, Pain around armpit, Inverted Nipples or pulled inside, Clear nipples discharge, Bloody nipples discharge, Green/Yellow nipples discharge, Dark brown / chocolate color discharge, Changes in the direction of nipples, Orange like skin texture, Swelling part of the breast, Moveable lump, Static or unmovable lump, Hard or marble like texture, Soft rubbery feel, Breasts suddenly increased in size, Breasts suddenly decreased in size, Tightness in the breast tissue, Fullness or heaviness in the breasts


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