Periodic vomiting – Suggested complimentary remedies



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Periodic vomiting or cyclic vomiting syndrome is periods of severe vomiting that have no apparent cause and can last for hours or days or alternate with symptom-free periods.

They tend to start at the same time of day, last the same length of time, and occur with the same symptoms and intensity.

More common in children but can occur at any age!

Signs and symptoms may include:

  • Worse in the morning.
  • Varying intervals
  • Intense nausea and sweating may before an episode starts
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhoea
  • Dizziness
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Headache
  • Retching or gagging
  • Excess thirst or dry mouth
  • Less urination
  • Dry skin
  • Sunken eyes or cheeks
  • No tears when crying
  • Fatigue and exhaustion

Possible Causes: The exact cause is still unknown but maybe possible due to:

  • Genetic involvement
  • Digestive difficulties with certain foods and drinks, such as alcohol, caffeine, chocolate or cheese
  • Overeating, eating right before going to bed or fasting
  • Nervous system problems – Emotional stress or excitement, especially in children
  • Anxiety or panic attacks, especially in adults
  • Hormonal imbalances – irregular menses.
  • Colds, allergies or sinus problems
  • Hot weather
  • Physical exhaustion
  • Exercising too much
  • Motion sickness


Suggested natural remedies – please avoid if your allergic or intolerant to any remedy listed on our website.

Chamomile Tea – is one of the world’s most popular herbal teas. Traditionally, chamomile has been valued as a digestive relaxant, and it has been used to treat various gastrointestinal disturbances, including nausea, vomiting, indigestion, motions sickness and diarrhoea. It helps get rid of nausea by dispelling gas, soothing the stomach and relaxing the muscles that move food through the intestines.

Chamomile and ginger are good remedies for morning sickness. As a tea they can help calm the stomach and reduce nausea and vomiting symptoms.

Cinnamon – is very soothing for stomach irritation and hence it helps treat nausea caused by indigestion, acid reflux and gas. It helps treat vomiting as well.

  1. Boil one-half teaspoon of cinnamon powder or a small piece of cinnamon stick in one cup of water for about 10 minutes.
  2. Strain it and add one tablespoon of honey to sweeten it.
  3. Drink this tea slowly.

Make cinnamon and clove tea by adding 2 cinnamon sticks and 1 teaspoon of ground cloves to 3 cups of water and boiling for 15 minutes. Strain, and drink 3 cups a day. This tea is great in the evenings, as it warms you from the inside and can give you a good night’s sleep.

Rice water helps alleviate vomiting, especially when it is caused by gastritis. While preparing rice water, use white rice not brown rice as it is rich in starch and easier to digest.

  1. Boil a cup of rice in one to one and a half cup of water.
  2. Strain the solution.
  3. Drink this rice water.

Fennel – Fennel prevents formation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract and encourages expulsion of gas. This helps treat nausea due to digestion-related conditions like intestinal gas and flatulence. They also have antimicrobial properties that help prevent and treat stomach flu that could be causing your vomiting.

  • Put one teaspoon of fennel seeds in a cup and pour one cup of hot water over it. Cover and let it steep for about 10 minutes. Add a few drops of fresh lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey. Drink this herbal tea slowly.
  • You can also chew on one teaspoon of fennel seeds slowly to get relief from nausea.

Peppermint has a calming effect on the lining of the stomach that helps get rid of nausea and vomiting. Peppermint’s antispasmodic and antiemetic properties also help prevent cramping.

  • Put one teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves in a cup.
  • Pour hot water over it.
  • Cover and steep for three to five minutes.
  • Add one teaspoon of honey.
  • Sip the tea while it is still warm.




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Are you concerned about your health or have been suffering from a chronic, recurrent health disorder? 

A ready-made kit that comes with instructions as how to take or use the remedies etc., containing 2 homeopathic remedies for long-term recovery.

Give it a try, if you truly believe in Natural holistic remedies! 

Ideally, complimentary remedies should go hand-in-hand with conventional treatment for optimal recovery, and you may take them along with your regular medicines, if any, for additional benefits!

All our remedies are prepared according to Hahnemann principles, using traditional method of dilution or succussion, by a fully qualified naturopath practitioner after a lot of research, proving and great success results from a number of our in-house patients having similar conditions – Still the results may vary from person to person!

You may need to continue taking these remedies from few weeks to few months or until the desired results – depending upon the severity and chronicity of your condition.

You may also contact us and speak to one of our naturopaths and to discuss any dietary requirements or allergies you may have, or ingredients used in preparation of the above kit.

If you are looking for a particular remedy or a kit not listed on this site, you may contact us, as we stock a wide range of complimentary remedies that you may need.

We also make tailor-made homeopathic remedies, as per your causative factors, physical & mental peculiar signs & symptoms etc., if you need any further information please feel free to message.

DISCLAIMER: Although, most natural remedies including herbal supplements, homeopathic remedies or aromatherapy formulations for external use etc., are generally very safe even in children and old age, we still recommend you to seek medical advice from your GP / personal health provider before making your purchase etc., if unsure.

Some patients may experience a little aggravation or worsening of their symptoms, specially in skin disorders – which is absolutely normal and a good sign, as most natural remedies tend to bring the disease in its expressive state – rather suppressing it deeper under the skin etc.

This complimentary remedies kit is taken with your own responsibility. Please avoid self-medication specially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have been suffering from any chronic or terminal medical conditions etc.

Due to strict UK regulations on the sale of medicinal products, we cannot give specific advice, without a face-to-face consultation.

Additional information

1 – 10 years old, Over 10 years

Peculiar symptom 1

Worse in the morning., Varying intervals, Intense nausea, Sweating before an episode starts, Abdominal pain, Diarrhoea, Dizziness, Sensitivity to light, Headache, Retching or gagging, Excess thirst or dry mouth, Less urination, Dry skin, Sunken eyes or cheeks, No tears when crying, Fatigue and exhaustion

Peculiar symptom 2

Worse in the morning., Varying intervals, Intense nausea, Sweating before an episode starts, Abdominal pain, Diarrhoea, Dizziness, Sensitivity to light, Headache, Retching or gagging, Excess thirst or dry mouth, Less urination, Dry skin, Sunken eyes or cheeks, No tears when crying, Fatigue and exhaustion

Peculiar symptom 3

Worse in the morning., Varying intervals, Intense nausea, Sweating before an episode starts, Abdominal pain, Diarrhoea, Dizziness, Sensitivity to light, Headache, Retching or gagging, Excess thirst or dry mouth, Less urination, Dry skin, Sunken eyes or cheeks, No tears when crying, Fatigue and exhaustion

Peculiar symptom 4

Worse in the morning., Varying intervals, Intense nausea, Sweating before an episode starts, Abdominal pain, Diarrhoea, Dizziness, Sensitivity to light, Headache, Retching or gagging, Excess thirst or dry mouth, Less urination, Dry skin, Sunken eyes or cheeks, No tears when crying, Fatigue and exhaustion

Possible cause 1

Digestive difficulties with certain foods and drinks, Sensitivity from caffeine, chocolate or cheese, Due to alcohol intake, Overeating, Eating right before going to bed, Intermittent fasting, Stress, worries or excitement, Anxiety or panic attacks, Hormonal imbalances – irregular menses., Colds, allergies or sinus problems, Hot weather, Physical exhaustion, Exercising too much, Motion sickness, Certain infections

Possible cause 2

Digestive difficulties with certain foods and drinks, Sensitivity from caffeine, chocolate or cheese, Due to alcohol intake, Overeating, Eating right before going to bed, Intermittent fasting, Stress, worries or excitement, Anxiety or panic attacks, Hormonal imbalances – irregular menses., Colds, allergies or sinus problems, Hot weather, Physical exhaustion, Exercising too much, Motion sickness, Certain infections

Possible cause 3

Digestive difficulties with certain foods and drinks, Sensitivity from caffeine, chocolate or cheese, Due to alcohol intake, Overeating, Eating right before going to bed, Intermittent fasting, Stress, worries or excitement, Anxiety or panic attacks, Hormonal imbalances – irregular menses., Colds, allergies or sinus problems, Hot weather, Physical exhaustion, Exercising too much, Motion sickness, Certain infections


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