SIBO – small intestine bacterial overgrowth – Suggested complimentary remedies



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The small intestine, where the food mixes with digestive juices and nutrients are absorbed into your bloodstream. It is the longest section of our digestive tract, measuring about 20 feet.

Unlike the colon or the large intestine, the small intestine has relatively less bacteria due to rapid flow of contents and the presence of bile.

But in SIBO or blind loop syndrome, there is an abnormal overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine — particularly types of bacteria not commonly found in that part of the digestive tract.


Signs and symptoms of SIBO often include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Feeling of fullness after eating
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Bloating or abdominal distension, usually within a few minutes to few hours after eating worse with carbs, fiber, and sugar.
  • Mostly Diarrhea or toilet run after eating
  • Soft, foul-smelling stools that stick to the bowl
  • Pale or greasy stools
  • Excess gas
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Nausea
  • Rapid, unintentional weight loss
  • Malnutrition
  • Malabsorption
  • Depression
  • Nutritional deficiency despite taking supplements
  • Fatigue: megaloblastic anaemia due to vitamin B12


Possible Causes & Risk factors

  • Advanced age
  • Post surgery – complications of abdominal surgery e.g., gastric bypass for obesity and gastrectomy to treat peptic ulcers and stomach cancer.
  • Slow peristaltic movement – a condition that slows the passage of food and waste.
  • Structural defect in the small intestine.
  • An injury to the small intestine
  • An abnormal passageway (fistula) between two segments of bowel
  • History of radiation therapy to the abdomen
  • Short bowel syndrome
  • Small bowel diverticulosis
  • Low stomach acid
  • Certain medical conditions e.g., Crohn’s disease, radiation enteritis, scleroderma, celiac disease, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Pancreatic insufficiency,
  • Immunodeficiencies like HIV or immunoglobulin deficiency
  • Use of certain medications e.g., Broad-spectrum antibiotics,
  • Narcotics that slow down bowel activity


Further Complications

  • Poor absorption of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
  • Due to incomplete absorption of fats, your body can’t fully absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to weakness, fatigue, tingling, and numbness in your hands and feet and mental confusion.
  • Osteoporosis – weakened bones due to poor calcium absorption.
  • Poor calcium absorption may also cause kidney stones.


Prevention and complimentary remediation

  • A diet higher in fat and lower in carbohydrates and fiber can help.
  • Focus on a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, to support gut flora diversity.
  • Avoid Processed Foods, artificial sweeteners, and refined carbohydrates:
  • Avoid eating too close to bedtime.
  • Herbal supplement such as Berberine, goldenseal and oregano can help support the condition.
  • Enteric-coated peppermint oil is one of the more common supplements for small intestine bacterial overgrowth, taken in between meals with a glass of water.
  • Garlic, grapefruit seed and olive leaf extracts.




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Are you concerned about your health or have been suffering from a chronic, recurrent health disorder? 

A ready-made kit that comes with instructions as how to take or use the remedies etc., containing 2 homeopathic remedies and a herbal supplement.

Give it a try, if you truly believe in Natural holistic remedies! 

Ideally, complimentary remedies should go hand-in-hand with conventional treatment for optimal recovery, and you may take them along with your regular medicines, if any, for additional benefits!

All our remedies are prepared according to Hahnemann principles, using traditional method of dilution or succussion, by a fully qualified naturopath practitioner after a lot of research, proving and great success results from a number of our in-house patients having similar conditions – Still the results may vary from person to person!

You may need to continue taking these remedies from few weeks to few months or until the desired results – depending upon the severity and chronicity of your condition.

You may also contact us and speak to one of our naturopaths and to discuss any dietary requirements or allergies you may have, or ingredients used in preparation of the above kit.

If you are looking for a particular remedy or a kit not listed on this site, you may contact us, as we stock a wide range of complimentary remedies that you may need.

We also make tailor-made homeopathic remedies, as per your causative factors, physical & mental peculiar signs & symptoms etc., if you need any further information please feel free to message.

DISCLAIMER: Although, most natural remedies including herbal supplements, homeopathic remedies or aromatherapy formulations for external use etc., are generally very safe even in children and old age, we still recommend you to seek medical advice from your GP / personal health provider before making your purchase etc., if unsure.

Some patients may experience a little aggravation or worsening of their symptoms, specially in skin disorders – which is absolutely normal and a good sign, as most natural remedies tend to bring the disease in its expressive state – rather suppressing it deeper under the skin etc.

This complimentary remedies kit is taken with your own responsibility. Please avoid self-medication specially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have been suffering from any chronic or terminal medical conditions etc.

Due to strict UK regulations on the sale of medicinal products, we cannot give specific advice, without a face-to-face consultation.

Additional information
Peculiar symptom 1

Loss of appetite, Feeling of fullness after eating, Abdominal Pain, Bloating or abdominal distension, Mostly Diarrhea or toilet run after eating, Soft, foul-smelling stools, Pale or greasy stools, Excess gas, Vomiting, Constipation, Nausea, Rapid, unintentional weight loss, Malnutrition, Malabsorption, Depression, Nutritional deficiency despite taking supplements, Fatigue: megaloblastic anaemia

Peculiar Symptom 2

Loss of appetite, Feeling of fullness after eating, Abdominal Pain, Bloating or abdominal distension, Mostly Diarrhea or toilet run after eating, Soft, foul-smelling stools, Pale or greasy stools, Excess gas, Vomiting, Constipation, Nausea, Rapid, unintentional weight loss, Malnutrition, Malabsorption, Depression, Nutritional deficiency despite taking supplements, Fatigue: megaloblastic anaemia

Peculiar symptom 3

Loss of appetite, Feeling of fullness after eating, Abdominal Pain, Bloating or abdominal distension, Mostly Diarrhea or toilet run after eating, Soft, foul-smelling stools, Pale or greasy stools, Excess gas, Vomiting, Constipation, Nausea, Rapid, unintentional weight loss, Malnutrition, Malabsorption, Depression, Nutritional deficiency despite taking supplements, Fatigue: megaloblastic anaemia

Peculiar symptom 4

Loss of appetite, Feeling of fullness after eating, Abdominal Pain, Bloating or abdominal distension, Mostly Diarrhea or toilet run after eating, Soft, foul-smelling stools, Pale or greasy stools, Excess gas, Vomiting, Constipation, Nausea, Rapid, unintentional weight loss, Malnutrition, Malabsorption, Depression, Nutritional deficiency despite taking supplements, Fatigue: megaloblastic anaemia

Peculiar symptom 5

Loss of appetite, Feeling of fullness after eating, Abdominal Pain, Bloating or abdominal distension, Mostly Diarrhea or toilet run after eating, Soft, foul-smelling stools, Pale or greasy stools, Excess gas, Vomiting, Constipation, Nausea, Rapid, unintentional weight loss, Malnutrition, Malabsorption, Depression, Nutritional deficiency despite taking supplements, Fatigue: megaloblastic anaemia


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