Febrile convulsions, fits. – Suggested complimentary remedies



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Epilepsy – Seizures, Convulsion (fits)

Epilepsy is a brain disorder that causes recurrent episodes called seizures, as an electrical storm in the brain leading to abnormal movements.

Short lasting fits or seizure occurring usually in infants or children with fever are termed as febrile convulsions.

The fever is often from an infection.

Such seizures occur in young, healthy children who have normal development and haven’t had any neurological symptoms before.

It is frightening if a child has a febrile seizure.

Fortunately, febrile seizures are usually harmless, and typically don’t indicate a serious health problem.

A fit without fever is not considered as febrile convulsions!


  • Have a fever generally higher than 101 F with rapid change from low to high temperature.
  • The fits occur usually within hours of onset of fever.
  • Sustained contraction then relaxation of muscles, lasting for few seconds to minutes, less than 15 minutes.
  • The child with seizure shakes all over and loses consciousness – or may get very stiff or twitch in just one area of the body.
  • Shake or jerk the arms and legs
  • The seizure may be repetitive.
  • Males are slightly more affected than female.
  • Vomiting
  • Breathing problems
  • Extreme sleepiness afterwards.


  • Bacterial or viral infections (particularly roseola) in respiratory system, influenza, gastroenteritis, measles, ears, mumps, acute tonsillitis.
  • Family history of such seizures.
  • Post-vaccination seizures in children – including diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccine and the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine. The fever, not the vaccine, causes the seizure!


  • Febrile convulsions do not cause development delay, retardation, behavioural abnormalities or death.
  • Very rarely does it continue throughout life as epilepsy or most child never get it after the age of 5 years.
  • Occasionally it may recur when there is fever so it is very important that you should control the fever first whenever it comes.

Suggested First aid approach

  • Don’t restrain or move the patient.
  • Do not try to stop the convulsion by pulling the limbs. Wait for it to cease on its own.
  • If you can then put a pad of cloth between the teeth to prevent tongue bite.
  • Lower temperature by tepid water sponging.
  • Dip a soft towel in water and wipe the child from head to toe several times each time dipping the towel a fresh.
  • Control for fever ask your doctor for medication to lower the temperature whenever your child gets fever.
  • Protect them from hurting themselves.
  • Clear away any potentially dangerous objects, like hot drinks or sharp objects.
  • Note the time when the seizure started and how long it lasts.
  • Protect their head by placing something soft underneath.
  • Loosen any clothing around their neck.
  • Open their airway and check breathing, if they fall into sleep.
  • Provide them fresh air by opening a door or window (Don’t cool them down too much!)
  • If they’re breathing, put them in the recovery position.
  • If they stop breathing at any point, seizure last more than 5 minutes, and unresponsive for more than 10 minutes, Call for emergency help.




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Are you concerned about your health or have been suffering from a chronic, recurrent health disorder? 

A ready-made kit that comes with instructions as how to take or use the remedies etc., containing 2 homeopathic remedies. It is strongly suggested you to keep taking your regular medication unless you have observed a remarkable change with these remedies or have spoken with your doctor!

Give it a try, if you truly believe in Natural holistic remedies! 

Ideally, complimentary remedies should go hand-in-hand with conventional treatment for optimal recovery, and you may take them along with your regular medicines, if any, for additional benefits!

All our remedies are prepared according to Hahnemann principles, using traditional method of dilution or succussion, by a fully qualified naturopath practitioner after a lot of research, proving and great success results from a number of our in-house patients having similar conditions – Still the results may vary from person to person!

Special note: While selecting the remedy from the age wise drop list – there are 3 options as per the pills size e.g., for infants under one and children between 1 – 10 years of age, we use 2 different sizes small globules, as compare to adults. You may also contact us and ask for lactose tablets if you don’t want your remedy in sucrose pills.

You may need to continue taking these remedies from few weeks to few months or until the desired results – depending upon the severity and chronicity of your condition.

You may also contact and speak to one of our naturopaths to discuss any dietary requirements or allergies you may have, or ingredients used in preparation of the above kit.

If you are looking for a particular remedy or a kit not listed on this site, please contact us, as we stock a wide range of complimentary remedies that you may need.

We also make tailor-made homeopathic remedies, as per your causative factors, physical & mental peculiar signs & symptoms etc., if you need any further information please feel free to message.

DISCLAIMER: Although, most natural remedies including herbal supplements, homeopathic remedies or aromatherapy formulations for external use etc., are generally very safe even in children and old age, we still recommend you to seek medical advice from your GP / personal health provider before making your purchase etc., if unsure.

Some patients may experience a little aggravation or worsening of their symptoms, specially in skin disorders – which is absolutely normal and a good sign, as most natural remedies tend to bring the disease in its expressive state – rather suppressing it deeper under the skin etc.

This complimentary remedies kit is taken with your own responsibility. Please avoid self-medication specially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have been suffering from any chronic or terminal medical conditions etc.

Due to strict UK regulations on the sale of medicinal products, we cannot give specific advice, without a face-to-face consultation.

Additional information
Peculiar symptom 1

Fever higher than 101 F, Sustained contraction then relaxation of muscles, Lose of consciousness, Very stiff or twitch in just one area of the body, Shake or jerk the arms and legs, Repetitive seizures, Vomiting, Breathing problems, Extreme sleepiness afterwards.

Peculiar Symptom 2

Fever higher than 101 F, Sustained contraction then relaxation of muscles, Lose of consciousness, Very stiff or twitch in just one area of the body, Shake or jerk the arms and legs, Repetitive seizures, Vomiting, Breathing problems, Extreme sleepiness afterwards.

Epilepsy time

Mostly during the day, Mostly at night or during sleep, Upon waking up in the morning

Age Group

Child 1 – 10 years old, Adult of over 10 years of age


One month supply, Two months supply, Three months supply