Cerebral palsy – Suggested complimentary remedies




Cerebral palsy is a group of neurological conditions that affect movement, muscles tone and posture, that is mainly due to damage to a child’s brain during foetal development.

The symptoms of cerebral palsy may vary during the child’s development, but the condition doesn’t get worse and generally stays the same over time.

The cause of cerebral palsy and its effect on bodily functions vary from person to person.

The main effect of Cerebral Palsy is that it disrupts control of muscles movement.


Common Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of CP appear early in childhood or preschool years and can vary widely from person to person. In some it may affect the whole body while in others the condition might only affect one or two limbs or one side of the body.

General symptoms may include.

  • Trouble with movement and coordination
  • Speech and eating disorder
  • Intellectual disabilities
  • Irregular posture
  • Ataxia – uncontrollable body movements
  • Hard to swallow food
  • Eye muscles imbalance where eyes don’t focus on the same object.
  • Reduced range of motion in joints due to muscle stiffness.
  • Head size differences: including an unusually small head (microcephaly) or an unusually large head (macrocephaly).
  • Babies with CP may seem fussy or irritable frequently.
  • Lack of interaction – may not react to people around them.
  • Hypotonia – a lack of muscle tone
  • Delayed in reaching some expected developmental milestones such as sitting up or crawling
  • Movements that look like they’re slow and writhing or twisting.
  • Movements that look like you’re flinging or throwing or fidgeting or dancing.
  • Stiff muscles and exaggerated reflexes, known as spasticity.
  • Variations in muscle tone, such as being either too stiff or too floppy.
  • Stiff muscles with regular reflexes, known as rigidity.
  • Jerky movements that can’t be controlled, known as tremors.
  • Favoring one side of the body, such as only reaching with one hand or dragging a leg while crawling.
  • Walk on toes or crouch down when they walk.
  • Scissors-like Walk with their knees crossing.
  • A wide gait or a walk that’s not steady.
  • Trouble with fine motor skills, such as buttoning clothes or picking up utensils.
  • Delays in speech development.
  • Trouble with sucking, chewing or eating.
  • Drooling or trouble with swallowing.
  • Learning disabilities.
  • Delayed growth, resulting in smaller size.
  • Seizures, which are symptoms of epilepsy.
  • Trouble hearing – deafness
  • Trouble with vision e.g., blindness and changes in eye movements.
  • Pain or trouble feeling sensations such as touch.
  • Bladder and bowel issues, including constipation and urinary incontinence.


Possible Causes & Risk Factors

Damage to the developing brain that occurs, most often before birth, but it can occur during birth or in early infancy.

Many other factors can also lead to changes in brain development. Some include:

  • Preterm (premature) birth with very low birth weight – babies born before 28 weeks of gestation are at higher risk
  • Congenital malformations due to disruptions in fetal brain development.
  • Genetic issues affecting fetal development.
  • Maternal infections during pregnancy
  • Stroke, which interrupts blood supply to the developing brain.
  • Bleeding into the brain in the womb or as a newborn.
  • Traumatic head injury e.g., a fall or physical trauma.
  • Lack of oxygen to the brain during labor or delivery,
  • Infections in brain or spinal cord.
  • Brain damage from toxic buildups in liver or jaundice.
  • Meconium aspiration.
  • Newborn hypoglycaemia.
  • Suffocation
  • Substance use by a mom during pregnancy
  • Multiple foetuses (twins, triplets, etc.).
  • Cytomegalovirus to a mother during pregnancy – that causes flu-like symptoms.
  • Herpes infection, Toxoplasmosis, syphilis or intrauterine infections that can be passed from mother to child during pregnancy and affect the placenta.
  • German measles, known as rubella.
  • Exposure to toxins
  • Other conditions affecting the mother that can increase the risk include thyroid conditions, preeclampsia or seizures.
  • Infant illness e.g., Bacterial meningitis or Viral encephalitis etc.



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Are you concerned about your health or have been suffering from a chronic, recurrent health disorder? 

A ready-made kit that comes with instructions as how to take or use the remedies etc., containing 2 homeopathic remedies and one aromatherapy massage oil for external application.

Give it a try, if you truly believe in Natural holistic remedies! 

Ideally, complimentary remedies should go hand-in-hand with conventional treatment for optimal recovery, and you may take them along with your regular medicines, if any, for additional benefits!

All our remedies are prepared according to Hahnemann principles, using traditional method of dilution or succussion, by a fully qualified naturopath practitioner after a lot of research, proving and great success results from a number of our in-house patients having similar conditions – Still the results may vary from person to person!

Special note: While selecting the remedy from the age wise drop list – there are 3 options as per the pills size e.g., for infants under one and children between 1 – 10 years of age, we use 2 different sizes small globules, as compare to adults. You may also contact us and ask for lactose tablets if you don’t want your remedy in sucrose pills.

You may need to continue taking these remedies from few weeks to few months or until the desired results – depending upon the severity and chronicity of your condition.

You may also contact and speak to one of our naturopaths to discuss any dietary requirements or allergies you may have, or ingredients used in preparation of the above kit.

If you are looking for a particular remedy or a kit not listed on this site, please contact us, as we stock a wide range of complimentary remedies that you may need.

We also make tailor-made homeopathic remedies, as per your causative factors, physical & mental peculiar signs & symptoms etc., if you need any further information please feel free to message.

DISCLAIMER: Although, most natural remedies including herbal supplements, homeopathic remedies or aromatherapy formulations for external use etc., are generally very safe even in children and old age, we still recommend you to seek medical advice from your GP / personal health provider before making your purchase etc., if unsure.

Some patients may experience a little aggravation or worsening of their symptoms, specially in skin disorders – which is absolutely normal and a good sign, as most natural remedies tend to bring the disease in its expressive state – rather suppressing it deeper under the skin etc.

This complimentary remedies kit is taken with your own responsibility. Please avoid self-medication specially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have been suffering from any chronic or terminal medical conditions etc.

Due to strict UK regulations on the sale of medicinal products, we cannot give specific advice, without a face-to-face consultation.

Additional information
Peculiar symptom 1

Trouble with coordination, Speech and eating disorder, Intellectual disabilities, Irregular posture, Ataxia – uncontrollable body movements, Hard to swallow food, Eye muscles imbalance, Reduced range of motion in joints, Muscle stiffness., Head size differences: unusually small, Head size unusually large, Fussy or irritable frequently., Lack of interaction with others, Hypotonia – a lack of muscle tone, Delayed in sitting up or crawling, Movements look like slow and writhing or twisting., Movements that look like flinging or throwing or fidgeting or dancing., Exaggerated reflexes, known as spasticity., Variations in muscle tone either too stiff or too floppy., Stiff muscles with regular reflexes, rigidity., Jerky movements or tremors, Favoring one side of the body, Walk on toes, Crouch down when they walk., Scissors-like Walk with their knees crossing., A wide gait or a walk that's not steady., Trouble with buttoning clothes or picking up utensils., Delays in speech development., Trouble with sucking, chewing or eating., Drooling saliva, Trouble with swallowing., Learning disabilities., Delayed growth, resulting in smaller size., Seizures, epilepsy., Trouble hearing – deafness, Trouble with vision e.g., blindness and changes in eye movements., Pain or trouble feeling sensations such as touch., Bladder issues e.g., urinary incontinence, Bowel issues – constipation

Peculiar symptom 2

Trouble with coordination, Speech and eating disorder, Intellectual disabilities, Irregular posture, Ataxia – uncontrollable body movements, Hard to swallow food, Eye muscles imbalance, Reduced range of motion in joints, Muscle stiffness., Head size differences: unusually small, Head size unusually large, Fussy or irritable frequently., Lack of interaction with others, Hypotonia – a lack of muscle tone, Delayed in sitting up or crawling, Movements look like slow and writhing or twisting., Movements that look like flinging or throwing or fidgeting or dancing., Exaggerated reflexes, known as spasticity., Variations in muscle tone either too stiff or too floppy., Stiff muscles with regular reflexes, rigidity., Jerky movements or tremors, Favoring one side of the body, Walk on toes, Crouch down when they walk., Scissors-like Walk with their knees crossing., A wide gait or a walk that's not steady., Trouble with buttoning clothes or picking up utensils., Delays in speech development., Trouble with sucking, chewing or eating., Drooling saliva, Trouble with swallowing., Learning disabilities., Delayed growth, resulting in smaller size., Seizures, epilepsy., Trouble hearing – deafness, Trouble with vision e.g., blindness and changes in eye movements., Pain or trouble feeling sensations such as touch., Bladder issues e.g., urinary incontinence, Bowel issues – constipation

Peculiar symptom 3

Trouble with coordination, Speech and eating disorder, Intellectual disabilities, Irregular posture, Ataxia – uncontrollable body movements, Hard to swallow food, Eye muscles imbalance, Reduced range of motion in joints, Muscle stiffness., Head size differences: unusually small, Head size unusually large, Fussy or irritable frequently., Lack of interaction with others, Hypotonia – a lack of muscle tone, Delayed in sitting up or crawling, Movements look like slow and writhing or twisting., Movements that look like flinging or throwing or fidgeting or dancing., Exaggerated reflexes, known as spasticity., Variations in muscle tone either too stiff or too floppy., Stiff muscles with regular reflexes, rigidity., Jerky movements or tremors, Favoring one side of the body, Walk on toes, Crouch down when they walk., Scissors-like Walk with their knees crossing., A wide gait or a walk that's not steady., Trouble with buttoning clothes or picking up utensils., Delays in speech development., Trouble with sucking, chewing or eating., Drooling saliva, Trouble with swallowing., Learning disabilities., Delayed growth, resulting in smaller size., Seizures, epilepsy., Trouble hearing – deafness, Trouble with vision e.g., blindness and changes in eye movements., Pain or trouble feeling sensations such as touch., Bladder issues e.g., urinary incontinence, Bowel issues – constipation

Peculiar symptom 4

Trouble with coordination, Speech and eating disorder, Intellectual disabilities, Irregular posture, Ataxia – uncontrollable body movements, Hard to swallow food, Eye muscles imbalance, Reduced range of motion in joints, Muscle stiffness., Head size differences: unusually small, Head size unusually large, Fussy or irritable frequently., Lack of interaction with others, Hypotonia – a lack of muscle tone, Delayed in sitting up or crawling, Movements look like slow and writhing or twisting., Movements that look like flinging or throwing or fidgeting or dancing., Exaggerated reflexes, known as spasticity., Variations in muscle tone either too stiff or too floppy., Stiff muscles with regular reflexes, rigidity., Jerky movements or tremors, Favoring one side of the body, Walk on toes, Crouch down when they walk., Scissors-like Walk with their knees crossing., A wide gait or a walk that's not steady., Trouble with buttoning clothes or picking up utensils., Delays in speech development., Trouble with sucking, chewing or eating., Drooling saliva, Trouble with swallowing., Learning disabilities., Delayed growth, resulting in smaller size., Seizures, epilepsy., Trouble hearing – deafness, Trouble with vision e.g., blindness and changes in eye movements., Pain or trouble feeling sensations such as touch., Bladder issues e.g., urinary incontinence, Bowel issues – constipation

Peculiar symptom 5

Trouble with coordination, Speech and eating disorder, Intellectual disabilities, Irregular posture, Ataxia – uncontrollable body movements, Hard to swallow food, Eye muscles imbalance, Reduced range of motion in joints, Muscle stiffness., Head size differences: unusually small, Head size unusually large, Fussy or irritable frequently., Lack of interaction with others, Hypotonia – a lack of muscle tone, Delayed in sitting up or crawling, Movements look like slow and writhing or twisting., Movements that look like flinging or throwing or fidgeting or dancing., Exaggerated reflexes, known as spasticity., Variations in muscle tone either too stiff or too floppy., Stiff muscles with regular reflexes, rigidity., Jerky movements or tremors, Favoring one side of the body, Walk on toes, Crouch down when they walk., Scissors-like Walk with their knees crossing., A wide gait or a walk that's not steady., Trouble with buttoning clothes or picking up utensils., Delays in speech development., Trouble with sucking, chewing or eating., Drooling saliva, Trouble with swallowing., Learning disabilities., Delayed growth, resulting in smaller size., Seizures, epilepsy., Trouble hearing – deafness, Trouble with vision e.g., blindness and changes in eye movements., Pain or trouble feeling sensations such as touch., Bladder issues e.g., urinary incontinence, Bowel issues – constipation